Tired of treating pain symptoms without real results?
introducing PiezoWave™
a revolutionary new treatment that uses mechanical energy, produced by sound wave, to
Treat myofascial injuries.
– Tigard Physical Therapy is one of three PT clinics in the greater Portland, Oregon area to offer this technology.
– This device locates areas of pain and inflammation by the sensations felt by the patient.
– As a result, it focuses energy to the exact areas that need treatment.
– This precise, focal treatment often decreases pain in as few as one session.
– Three to five treatments will give maximum results that can last.
Piezowave™ is cost-effective – it takes fewer sessions to gain relief with manual therapy and corrective exercise .

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyAct) a unique, highly effective medical technology that is non-evasive and reduces the need for drugs or surgery.
The Piezowave™ succeeds at transforming the mechanical energy of soundwaves into biochemical signals in diseased target tissue. This acoustic compression triggers a cascade of cellular and molecular responses through a process called mechano-transduction.
MyACT induced mechanotransduction supports recovery by stimulating microcirculation through the release of nitric oxide (NO), vasodilation and vascular angiogenesis, increased cellular metabolic rates, as well as providing pain relief via the release of substance P and inflammatory mediators.
The process also releases growth factors (blood vessels, epithelium, bones, collagen, etc.) and stimulates lubricin production and stem cell, thus promoting an environment for enhanced healing and a quicker return to normal activities.
Call 503.753.1537 or click here for a FREE CONSULTATION for the PiezoWave™ pain treatment.

Our Mission
- Deliver evidence-based, quality physical therapy services to you in a caring, positive environment.
- Teach you about your condition and provide appropriate education, self-care strategies, and tools to manage your symptoms after discharge.
- Treat you as a whole person, taking into account your individual needs and tailoring your treatment accordingly.
18019 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd
Tigard, OR 97224
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 8 pm
Friday: 8 am – 7 pm